There is No Place Like Home When It Comes to Creating Workflows and Doing Video Marketing

The Further I Travel the Closer I Am to Where I Already Was

For those of you who know me, you know that I have been working for months on producing a workflow. You also know that it has been causing much exhaustion and duress. Yet I have continued to plow forward. And in a way, the sad thing is, that after all that time, I have produced a schedule of work and creativity, that is what I was doing anyway. Though, it does involve using video in a manner I had not really thought about before, but overall, it is quite like what I was already doing as a procedure to maximize output. sense I had done before.

Happy to Win or Happy to “Be?”

Had I known then, what I know now, I would have taken a quite different path but doing the same stuff. Also, since on my next birthday I officially become an “old person,” I do not have the drive, energy, and motivation I once had. The overused saying “Youth is wasted on the young” is true. Unless you are like some people, I know who “got it” from the very beginning of their career and followed through, are now mega successful. Are they happy? That is another topic, but I think that at least some of them are.

The Thing that a Really Old Person Sometimes has, and if They Have it, They Will Be Legit

Especially now as I join the ranks, I am very anti “agism” which is a real thing in many aspects of our society. The young thinking, they will never be old and the old thinking the will never be, well, as young official “Old Person” I am quite aware of what I need to clamor to do now, so that when I am an official “Old-Old Person” it will all make sense. I am not talking about relationships with family and friends, that topic is the most important one. I am speaking of something that many do not attain but is the classic reason to validate aging. I am of course speaking of video marketing. Just kidding of course, the goal is to have gained at least some degree of wisdom.

Video Marketing Strategies are a Part of the Workflow and the Educational Digital Product

An important thing I missed including was video and the connection it has to creating a workflow. Look, at this very moment I am engaged in the workflow. It involves much repurposing of content in surprising ways. Although it is not always a part of the workflow, video marketing is a particularly valuable tool. You know the stats, I am sure. It is the driving force behind many an online campaign. So really all I want to say on the topic is do not underestimate it. I have been deconstructing the process of making a video and then using it to promote something, and in doing the research for that was excited about finding ways of using video I had not thought about for a while but are still fresh. The educational digital product I am writing as a part of the “Workflow Experiment” I am living out in a work context, has a section dedicated to video marketing strategies. And all of it keeps bringing me back to where I already am.

Strategies and Success

Methods and Solutions

Although our doors closed officially in 2013 after 12 years of success, there continues to be interest in the services and products that Video Film Web offered when it was open. So we’ve left the site up to provide businesses like yours with insight to different kinds of strategies and solutions for success.

Social Media Does Not Have to Own You

What have you tried market-wise? What has worked and what has failed? Contrary to popular belief, digital does not have to be the key ingredient in YOUR social media efforts.

More the Same than Different

You’ll note that we had several different kinds of clients we worked with including businesses, actors and nonprofit organizations. The surprising thing is that the more difference in types of marketing we served, we ultimately came to a belief. This belief is that regardless of what you are promoting, yourself or your business, marketing solutions are amazingly similar. To learn more about this please visit Home Business Achievers.